Optmize Website UX And Landing Pages
You've planned your content, created it,distributed and promoted it.Now let's look at what role your website and landing pages play.In this lesson, you'll understand how your marketing campaigns and website work together,apply user experience or UX design principles toyour website and create tests and optimize landing pages. After planning, creating, and distributing content,content markers often forget to come home,back towards their content is likely to originate, their website.In addition, much of your digital marketing effortswill lead customers back to your website.Let's focus there now.Your website should not only look good but also relate to your marketing objectives.Do you want customers to make purchases?Is your website designed to support that?Do you want customers to fill out a contact form?Is your webs designed to support that?Your website should also relate to your marketing campaigns.Do you include a link back to your website at the end of your content...